MyCityPolice Privacy Policy

This privacy policy (“PP”) applies to, and its affiliates, owned and operated by MyCityPolice OÜ (collectively “MCP”, “we,” “our,” or “us”).

This PP discloses the privacy practices for MCP.
MCP is committed to adhering to federal, state and local privacy laws and industry guidelines to protect you and your privacy. The PP purpose is to support you in understanding how we gather, use and protect information you provide to us via our web sites (each, and collectively, “Web site(s)”) and our mobile applications (each, and collectively, “App(s)”), (each and collectively, “MCP service(s)”). It also shall support you in making informed decisions when using these services. The PP also informs about our use of your personal information and the available options to you concerning the usage, and how you can access and update this information.

By using the Web sites, the Apps and MCP services you accept the terms and conditions of this PP and that the PP is part of our Terms of Use (as defined below) and you agree to be bound by both the PP and the Terms of Use. If you are not willing to accept the terms and conditions of this PP and the Terms of Use, we ask you to not use any MCP web site, app or service. When you submit information via MCP services, you consent the collection, use and disclosure of your information in accordance with the PP.

MCP reserves the right to occasionally update this PP. In such case, we will revise the “last updated” date of the PP, stated at the end of the PP. For material changes to this PP, MCP will notify you by placing notice on the MCP customer account access web site. We recommend that you periodically review this PP.

A. User Registration and User Account Information
As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide information including your e-mail address, your name, contact phone numbers. To finish the registration and for any new log-in from a fully closed app, you need confirm your identity via a code, send to you as text message to your provided mobile phone number. Our messaging partner might collect data transfer information from you. The MCP services may include functionalities that permits you to provide profile information that may be accessible by recipients that you assign to (law enforcement services). This profile information may include, but is not limited to: name, phone number, email, personal media material (photos, videos or alike, on request), localization, selected report data and other information that may be of assistance to people responding to incidents you report through MCP. You may also be able to submit free text notes which includes other information that does not specifically fall within categories offered by the MCP features.
When you share any information via MCP to social media, those companies and services may collect data from your according to their Privacy Policy.
When you create your personal vault of information for MCP, you will be asked for both personal and demographic information, some of which is required to be able complete the registration. You will be informed which of the information are optional.

B. Incident and Report Information
Whenever you use MCP services to transmit any information (including text, other data, video or audio), MCP will collect such information. Any video or audio information can only be transmitted on request of the connected law enforcement partner that your report was send to. A recording or streaming of video and audio is indicated according to your mobile device user interface design, features and settings. You transmitted data will be collected by the connected law enforcement partner your report got transmitted to. This partner may process your data in a third-party data system to be able to coordinate to provide you help. Transmitted data may also be used anonymized for public surveys, statistics or interactive maps. In such cases your private and identifying data will in any way be protected.

C. Geo-Location Information:
If not you disable the geo-location functionality of the app or your mobile device, MCP will track your location (when MCP app is activated) and associate/store such location with any messages, data or incidents that you transmit through MCP services. MCP will also utilize your geo-location to determine whether you are with the geographical zone of one or more third party emergency responders that have signed up with MCP to receive incident data in their location in order to provide you help.

D. Passive Information Gathering:
When navigating through a feature of MCP services, certain information can be passively collected (that is, gathered without you actively providing the information) using various technologies, such as navigational data collection. That might include the tracking of Internet Protocol addresses, use session and persistent cookies, use session IDs and assign Internet tags by us of our service provider partners. Our system may also automatically gather information about the areas you visit on MCP online services and collect operational information about the technology you use, such as your browser, operating systems, type of device, IP address, system and application software, peripherals, Internet service providers and the domain name of the web site from which you got linked to MCP. In addition, we may store some information on your computer or mobile device, in the form of a cookie, flash cookie or similar file. That is done to support the efficiency and work of MCP and affiliated partners. We reserve the right to use, and to permit our service providers to use such cookies, flash cookies and web beacons, as well as other comparable or future technologies, to collect information regarding usage of MCP services or our apps (including the use of our applications on third party sites). We passively collect information to learn what segments of MCP are most demanded, which segments may need improvement and which technologies are being used by our users and visitors. We also use this information for security purposes, to detect and to block security breaches and to provide you with a safe online environment.

A. Data Accepting Counterpart:
During the registration process, via the use of account management features or when you change your location from one law enforcement territory to another, you will be asked to identify a data accepting counterpart (recipient) for any incident report you chose to report via MCP. Accordingly, when you utilize the MCP services to report an incident, you acknowledge and agree that all content in the incident report will be made available to and accessible to MCP and the foregoing recipients and you have no expectation of privacy in connection therewith. MCP is not responsible for whether or how such third parties utilize the content and data you send to them.

B. Law Enforcement Responders:
Law enforcement responders (e.g. Police, etc.) may subscribe to MCP. You may browse a list of then current connected law enforcement responders at any time via the MCP apps. When you are within the assigned geographic area of such an emergency responder, such third party will receive any incidents your report through the MCP services as well as any applicable profile information you have provided. Respectively, when you use the MCP apps to report an incident, you acknowledge and agree that all content in the incident report and related profile information will be made available to and accessible by MCP and the applicable emergency responders, and you have no expectation of privacy in connection therewith. MCP is not responsible for whether or how such third parties utilize the content and data you send to them.

C. MCP Use:
Your contact information (e.g., e-mail addresses, phone number) will be used for the purposes for which you supplied it to us (e.g., responding to your reports or requests for information, sending requested newsletters, etc.). Your phone number will only be used to process the security login between you and MCP and the mobile service provider.
Except as otherwise stated, we may use information collected internally to operate the described MCP services, to improve MCP service and apps, to customize MCP services to your preferences, to communicate information to you, for research purposes and for any other purpose specified in this policy. In addition, we may make full use of all information acquired through MCP services that is not in personally identifiable form.

D. Social Media
In case you use the option to register or login to MCP through a Social Networking Service, we will ask you for your permission to access your data on the Social Networking Service to create an account and Profile at MCP. In addition, we may use this data for several purposes, including:
Account and profile fields - When you access MCP through a Social Networking Service, we will pre-fill and update your account and profile fields with data from the Social Networking Service that you gave us permission to access. Via your account and you can update this information at any time.

Profile personalizing: When you access MCP through a Social Networking Service, we may personalize the MCP services experience by showing your name (first name and last name) and profile picture or avatar (optional) on your public profile page, next to your reports and sharing posts, or on other areas of the site where your content is displayed. We may additionally use information from your social media profile or your social media activities on MCP services to personalize content for you and offer features and opportunities tailored to your interests.

Aggregate Reporting: When you access MCP through a Social Networking Service, we may use data from the Social Networking Service that you give us to access to, to learn more about the demographic information of our users.

You may disconnect from a linked Social Networking Service at any time by visiting your MCP account in the MCP app.

No information about you that we collected on MCP with a linked Social Networking Service will be shared without your approval. MCP will not post anything to your Google account, Facebook wall, or Twitter feed unless you give us specific allowance to do so. MCP will not of own accord contact your friends or followers at any time, but provide the option that you can initiate such process at any time (e.g. “invite a friend”). We do not store or utilize the names of your friends or followers even if they are passed to us by a social sign-on service in the initial registration process.

Social Networking Services provide varying levels of control over the extent to which content or information you submit to the Services is also made public and shared on linked Social Networking Services. When you use a Social Networking Service to log into the Services:

You share your information with it and its privacy policy applies to the Social Networking Service's collection, use, and disclosure of such information.
In addition, the Social Networking Service may be able to collect information about you, including your activity on the Services, and it may notify your connections on the Social Networking Service about your use of the Services.
Such services may also employ unique identifiers which allow your activity to be monitored across multiple websites for purposes of delivering targeted advertising to you.

Please note that the privacy policies and terms of use of linked Social Networking Services may be different from our own and we encourage you to read them. We also encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy controls and account settings on linked Social Networking Services for information on how to customize your privacy settings with respect to content or information submitted to the Services.

E. Further MCP disclosures
In addition to the disclosure of your information to recipients and responders as described in clauses 2.A and 2.B, we may disclose any of the information you provide:

a. to affiliated partners and contractors we use to support our business (such as hosting providers, technical support, web analytics and financial institutions), in which case we will require such third parties to agree to use it for the same purposes;

b. in the event of a sale, merger, liquidation, dissolution, reorganization, assignment or other transfer of MCP or the business of MCP service (also in parts) to which the information relates, in which case we will require any such buyer to agree to treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy and use it for the same purposes;

c. to respond to law enforcement requests and subpoenas, where we believe in good faith that such response is required by applicable laws, court orders, or government regulations;

d. in case of sustainable assumption of misusage of MCP services, especially by request of law enforcement authorities and

e. in situations involving threats to the physical safety of any person.

MCP will have no liability for disclosure of information obtained due to errors in transmission or the unauthorized intervention of third parties.

E. Usage Statistics, Aggregated Information and Anonymized Information:
MCP may anonymize and aggregate your personal information (including, without limitation, usage statistics and geo-location information) with information from other users of MCP services. MCP may use or disclose such aggregated information for purposes of improving, operating, promoting, modifying or otherwise commercializing MCP or the aggregate data, but on no account shall such aggregated information include any personally identifying information.

We seek to provide you with options regarding the personal information you provide to us. You may modify the personal information on your account at any time. However, you are obliged to state veridical and accurate personal data, as the MCP app may connect you to law enforcement authorities. Modifications or deletions will only affect reports after the date modification; any data connected with earlier filed reports will remain unmodified as previously provided to your recipients and stored in our servers. You can as well manage which recipients will receive your incident reports and what further profile data you elect to include and make accessible, in addition to your basic data (name, email address, mobile phone number).

We work hard to protect your data and information. Both procedural and technical methods are used to maintain the integrity as security of our databases. That includes encryption and limited access to data. Buy you should keep in mind that no internet transmission is ever completely secure or faultless. The safety and security of your data and information as well depends on you. Do never share passwords with anyone else, notify us immediately if you have suspicion of your password security has been breached and remember to log off before you leave your computer or you give away or leave your mobile device.

We support the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The MCP service is not intended for children under the age of 16. Children under the age of 16 are prohibited to use MCP services with an own account. We will not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from visitors under the age of 16. If a child has provided us with personally identifiable information, a parent or guardian of that child may contact us via e-mail at if they would like this information deleted from our records. We will use reasonable efforts to delete the child’s information from our databases.

If you have any questions, concerns or comments about this Privacy Policy or the information practices of MCP service(s), please contact us at

MyCityPolice OÜ / March 2017

MyCityPolice Cookies Policy

Cookies and How They are Used On Our Website

MyCityPolice OÜ ("MCP", "we", "our" and "us") use a browser feature known as a "cookie", which assigns a unique identification to your computer. Cookies are typically stored on your computer's hard drive. Information collected from cookies is used by us to evaluate the effectiveness of our websites and/or apps (‘website’), analyze trends, and administer our website. The information collected from cookies allows us to determine such things as which parts of our website are most visited and difficulties our visitors may experience in accessing our website. With this knowledge, we can improve the quality of your experience on our website by recognizing and delivering more of the most desired features and information, as well as by resolving access difficulties. Some of our cookies are set to enable you to proceed to use features on our Website, such as to help keep track of items you request services via our websites and/or apps or try to connect to us and to allow visitors who have created an account to maintain requests between visits. Others are used to define and track your allocation to a certain sales agent, area or campaign. In addition, we use cookies to tell us whether your computer has been used to visit our website in the past. We also use cookies to help keep track of checkout information, other than payment method information, while you remain on our site. Plus, we use cookies and/or a technology known as web bugs or clear gifs (these are also known as web beacons). These are computer instructions that link web pages to particular web servers and their cookies and are typically stored in emails to help us confirm your receipt of, and response to, our emails and to provide you with a more personalized experience when using our website.

Types Of Cookies On Our Website 

Essential - These are cookies that are required in order to carry out a service that may be specifically requested by you and cookies that are strictly necessary for communication purposes. An example would be if you place an item in the shopping cart and a cookie is placed to remember the item that you added or which sales agent, area or campaign you might be allocated to.

Nbid ; frontpage image rotation ;* ; 45 days     
SMTF ; session ;* ; 4 hours 
tmp_customer ; temporary customer cart ;* ; 1 hour    
af_cp_id ; campaigns ;* ; 365 days 
AFFID ; sales agent ;* ; 30 days 
* and 

Analytical and Marketing, Profiling and personalization, Advertising - These cookies provide statistics that help us provide you with a consistent experience on our website. Through the use of these types of cookies we obtain an aggregated level of data such as the originating site for visitors to our website, how long visitors are on our website, what pages on our website are visited most, if visitors are new or returning, and order amount and items purchased. In addition, the data that we gather through the use of analytical cookies can indicate to us which version of our website has been viewed or from which country or city the website is viewed so that we can tailor our website content to the geographical region from which users are viewing the website. Data from analytical cookies is used by us to monitor and improve the functioning of our website. These cookies are also used to track you interests, to provide you with offers or advertisements tailored to your interests, and to provide you with a more personalized experience when using our Website. Additionally, such cookies track which advertisements you have already seen, how many visitors click on the advertisement, and how many orders follow from an advertisement being displayed. 

__utma ; user behavior website / tracking ;* ; 720 days 
__utmc ; user behavior website / tracking ;* ; session 
__utmd ; user behavior website / tracking ;* ; 1 minute 
__utmz ; user behavior website / tracking ;* ; 6 months 
__utmb ; user behavior website / tracking ;* ; 30 minutes 
__utmt ; user behavior website / tracking ;* ; 10 minutes 
ts ; user behavior website / tracking ; ; 365 days 
u ; user behavior website / tracking ; ; 365 days 

Cookie Opt-Out and Settings 

To explore what cookie settings are available to you, look in the "preferences" or "options" section of your browser's menu.
To stop receiving cookie-based ads from a third party advertising company we use, click on the link included in the advertisement, or in this policy, and follow the instructions on opting out. We may use more than one third party company for cookie-based advertising, which would require you to opt out of each company through the advertisement links. 
You can also visit the body representing these advertising companies for more information on how to opt-out of these cookies: If you do this you will leave this site for a centrally managed online site where you can specify your preferences. However, please note that the use of this website does not turn off all internet advertising and deactivates only advertisements that are customized to your likely interests based upon previous web browsing activity. 

MyCityPolice OÜ - May 2018 




Lootuste Pst. 65, 11616 Tallinn, Estonia

+1 415 707 05 81